The Why Not? Blog

At the tender age of 25 Dave started skateboarding. 14 months later he became the first person to skate the length of Britain. Another 8 months on he had crossed Australia on his board, breaking a world record & raising over £20,000 for three charities. Now, at 27, he's writing his first book, is a motivational speaker and a businessman, and he's only just gotten started on a lifetime of challenges which from the outside look just darn crazy. So, why? You know the answer, don't you. Why not?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Day 14: Never skate in Preston

We get on the road at midday. The Holiday Inn last night was amazing, Holly paid as a treat and boy did we need it. Problem is, you spend a night in a beautiful bed, sleep like a log and then when you wake up there are miles and miles of punishing road ahead. You just don't want to leave!

Skated out of Lancaster and then Nat joined me. Nat's a great skater, he can ollie and do bowls and things like that. He steps onto Little Elsa and away we roll. It's spitting down but we make good progress towards Preston. The roads are good and easy to navigate and it's great to have some company on the road. On small hills Nat bent double and held his ankles to get some speed, everytime he zoomed past he shot me a quick cheeky glance as if to say, 'I'm fast, you're slow, nah nah nah.' You don't have 250 miles on your bearings, do you Nat!!!

A white van pulls up in front of us. I see a hand hanging out of the window holding £10. "We heard you on the radio yesterday," the driver says, his passengers smiling, "Good luck mate." Things like that really pick you up, amazing genorosity.

We reach Preston and the signposting is atrocious. We spend an hour and a half doing a figure of eight around the western edge of town, not a clue where we're going. Some kids run alongside us and are really excited. I hand one of them my board and we take a photo in front of the van. We carry on and they run with us as far as they can. Shortly after, Nat hits a rock on a cycle path and I turn to see him going head over heels. He's a bit grazed on the side and arms, but keeps the rock as a souvenir.

We lose the van for a bit due to the progressively shocking road system but eventually meet up in Leyland, where my brother Andy and his mate Ben meet us. Tonight there's a Ladies Guest Night at RAF Woodvale, where my bro learns to fly. I'm the guest speaker.

We arrive at Woodvale by 6, I'm talked through the night's protocal - it's all rather formal, you see - and I shave my face. Dimitri joins me in smartening up (he doesn't shave though, scruffbucket) and we head to dinner in tuxedos. There's a champagne reception, we're introduced to the Boss, nice guy called Jason, and then we're fed. Great meal, four courses. Brilliant!

The speech goes well, and afterwards there's a party. There were 80 people in attendance, all were very kind and enthused about BoardFree. I helped to draw a raffle, all in all £300 was raised. A great night, needed a social outing halfway through BFUK. Dimitri and I got to bed when the sun was coming up. All I could think was 'oh boy Sunday's going to be cracking!'


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