The Why Not? Blog

At the tender age of 25 Dave started skateboarding. 14 months later he became the first person to skate the length of Britain. Another 8 months on he had crossed Australia on his board, breaking a world record & raising over £20,000 for three charities. Now, at 27, he's writing his first book, is a motivational speaker and a businessman, and he's only just gotten started on a lifetime of challenges which from the outside look just darn crazy. So, why? You know the answer, don't you. Why not?

Monday, September 04, 2006

Conflicting emotions

After skating 70km yesterday and reaching the end of the Great Eastern Highway, saying goodbye to the Golden Pipeline that has been with us for so long and earning a well needed rest day, I'm now sat in an internet cafe in Kalgoorlie, some 40km north of Coolgardie, updating the website and feeling quite sad.

About six years ago I was watching TV and was fascinated by this gregarious Australian man who jumped into rivers and wrestled crocodiles, crawled on all fours to within inches of the world's most poisonous snakes and was an all-round nice guy as he did it. Steve Irwin may have been an easy Aussie stereotype to some but to me he defined a happy person. Someone who loved what he did so much his personality was infectious, he lived life to the full. I heard a couple of hours ago that he had died whilst filming a documentary about sealife off the Cairns coastline. Steve Irwin summed up Australia for many people around the world and he will be sorely missed.


  • At 8:23 am, Blogger Bam Bam said…

    Tis a sad day for all, he will be missed by alot of people.

    Well done on the huge push dude, "things can only get better"! *cue cheesy music and bad dancing*

    Ride it like ya stole it bro!

    Peace, Bam

  • At 10:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aye - RIP buddy, Steve was the maddest and the greatest. Would you consider having a Skating For Steve tribute day?

  • At 9:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Dave,

    Long time skater, first time poster.

    I am planning to skate across Australia - however from Darwin to Adelaide because it's downhill. Why didn't you do this? It could have saved you a lot of pushing.



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