The Why Not? Blog

At the tender age of 25 Dave started skateboarding. 14 months later he became the first person to skate the length of Britain. Another 8 months on he had crossed Australia on his board, breaking a world record & raising over £20,000 for three charities. Now, at 27, he's writing his first book, is a motivational speaker and a businessman, and he's only just gotten started on a lifetime of challenges which from the outside look just darn crazy. So, why? You know the answer, don't you. Why not?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Merredin, WA

The sun is nearly gone and behind me the Pacific National train and its load rumbles by for two minutes. We’ve been kindly allowed to stay at Merredin’s campsite on the eastern edges of the town, by owners Sue and Paul. The site is immaculately clean, well laid out and is home to two delightful pets, a Kangaroo with a vest and Billy the Parrot

This morning I decided to call our first rest day. The vans were a tip and the team stuck their teeth into a big sort-out of kit and clothes while I ventured to the local internet café (Merredin Tourist and Information Centre: and spent a few hours catching up on website and emails. The manager, Marie, and friends kept me entertained with some local stories and seemed happy to let me nestle into a computer desk and get on with my work.

Slightly frustrated with such an early rest day but small blisters on the soles of my feet need some TLC and the early days of the journey have been tiring enough to justify this rest. I think the team are feeling some of my frustrations and there’s been a bit of tension now and then, but nothing out of the ordinary. Looking forward to tomorrow and eating up some more kilometres.


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