The Why Not? Blog

At the tender age of 25 Dave started skateboarding. 14 months later he became the first person to skate the length of Britain. Another 8 months on he had crossed Australia on his board, breaking a world record & raising over £20,000 for three charities. Now, at 27, he's writing his first book, is a motivational speaker and a businessman, and he's only just gotten started on a lifetime of challenges which from the outside look just darn crazy. So, why? You know the answer, don't you. Why not?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hello from Singapore!

Security at Heathrow was somewhat heavy. Safe as houses. The downshot is that it takes planes a little longer to take off than usual, the ripples are now being felt by the BoardFree team as we predictably missed our forwarding flight to Perth (they did only give us 50 minutes transit in the first place) and are now hanging around in Singapore airport for the next flight, which is thankfully only 6 or 7 hours after the original one.

It will mean we're absolutely shattered on Tuesday - great as we only have Tuesday - Saturday to sort out vehicles - but hey, BoardFree Australia is probably going to follow a theme of fatigue anyway, no?!!

The team are in a sports bar, it's time for me to go and join them. Singing out...


  • At 3:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad you're okay guys - you have my best wishes for a safe onward journey. Get a few beers in for me! Laura xxx


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