The Why Not? Blog

At the tender age of 25 Dave started skateboarding. 14 months later he became the first person to skate the length of Britain. Another 8 months on he had crossed Australia on his board, breaking a world record & raising over £20,000 for three charities. Now, at 27, he's writing his first book, is a motivational speaker and a businessman, and he's only just gotten started on a lifetime of challenges which from the outside look just darn crazy. So, why? You know the answer, don't you. Why not?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Barefoot to Brisbane, the harrowing tale of finding sponsors for a board journey....

Hello all, long it has been since my last blog. Two reasons for this; the first is the curiously speedy passing of time when time is the only thing you need more of, and the second is simple. If I wrote a blog whilst preparing for these journeys no one would buy the book. I'm not fooling myself, the daily plethora of emails and telephone calls certainly adds some padding (and frustration) to the overall BoardFree story, but you guys are reading this blog for one reason and one reason only, you're reading because you want to know how big my blisters are.

And this is why I begin my blogging routine here. Today, in a re-creation of our first dinner date, Kate cycled and I skated around Swansea Bay to Mumbles in search of a Welsh Rarebit Burger. Some things have changed since that blustery December evening so many months ago. The weather has improved, the team has grown, I've been through several pairs of shoes and along many more roads. John o'Groats to Land's End has already been skated and now I'm a record holder. But enough about that, more about the shoes.

On my feet this afternoon were some bright and clean trainers, fresh out of their box only yesterday I am wearing in my shoes much later than I would have hoped. My BFUK injuries have healed to some degree but I now have an achilles heel. No, literally, the skin that so kindly disappeared between Biggar and Southwaite either side of the England-Scotland border has been repaired. But it is now weaker than before, and my new trainers are causing some friction. Luckily, though, my riding partner is not afraid of a bark or two, and she has been forcing me to push with my other foot. I skated all the way home with my left foot and slightly undersized calf, partly through the need-for-practice, but mostly because I didn't want my achilles heel to be raw before Perth.

One week today we fly. In the last week the postman has been a-knocking. Bearings from Bones, Medical Pack from the Lifesigns Group, Satellite Phone from Applied Satellite Technology, Cobbers from Bodycool UK, our luminous jackets are now sponsored by The Magic Touch and the BoardFree girls can even pee standing up now thanks to Shewee! A couple more packages expected this week and then when we're away. I'll fill you in on goings on throughout the week, man I can't wait until we get to Perth.


  • At 7:04 pm, Blogger boardfreebecki said…

    yay you blogged!
    glad to hear you've been riding the other way round - i bet it felt and looked very strange...

    we leave in 6 days... aaaarrrhhhhh!

  • At 8:38 pm, Blogger Simon Thorpe said…

    Quite simply, your foot is disgusting. Just brought up my dinner whilst reading your blog.

  • At 6:57 pm, Blogger Skodie said…

    Hey! Just wanted to wish you and the team all the very very very best.
    You are all a complete inspiration to those of us who sit in a office wishing we could get out and do something worthwhile.

    Stay safe guys.


    ps. I'm Laura's other half by the way, and fully conscripted into the Loch Lo team!


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