The Why Not? Blog

At the tender age of 25 Dave started skateboarding. 14 months later he became the first person to skate the length of Britain. Another 8 months on he had crossed Australia on his board, breaking a world record & raising over £20,000 for three charities. Now, at 27, he's writing his first book, is a motivational speaker and a businessman, and he's only just gotten started on a lifetime of challenges which from the outside look just darn crazy. So, why? You know the answer, don't you. Why not?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Eat Natural, kids...

The countdown stands at 24 days, 10 hours, 34 minutes and just a few seconds. Scotland is calling gently, I'm not training quite as much as I should be, I suppose, and most days the postman comes along with something special. Because we ask, that's all. Like I said in the last blog, I'm not one for product placement, but boy do I like Eat Natural bars, mmmm!

The last two days have been gorgeous. Sun fully out, the UK preparing for a warm spring. I hope. I was asked a few weeks ago what I feared about the upcoming events of this year, I answered, "nothing." That has changed now. I fear headwinds, I fear horribly rough roads, I fear drunk drivers. Ask me the same question in a few weeks, I might add longboards to the equation!


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